Category: Blog/News

Callisto Upgrade – Sept. 2011

The major visible improvement for September is that the formatting of all date/time stamps are now adjusted to the customer’s local time. Since Callisto is checking and reporting on your e-resource subscriptions around the clock, many features and reports in the system are time-sensitive. You need to be able to understand when problems occurred at your location without thinking about Universal Time. Every Site in Callisto now has a customer-centric timezone setting. All dashboard displays, reports, and forms calculate and display in your time, and the email alerts read that way too. If you belong to a geographically distributed consortium…

Callisto Release 1 – Aug. 2011

First release of Callisto™ available Aug. 22, 2011 Subscriptions to our Callisto service are now available! Our revolutionary Callisto service automatically discovers and then monitors your e-resource content providers to ensure you maintain complete access. It verifies provider availability and subscription access changes 24/7. It even reports access differences between networks within your organization! Because of our background in large research campuses and consortia, we’ve designed Callisto to work even in complex multi-site institutions with partially overlapping subscriptions and hierarchical or distributed support models. When your site changes and problems occur, Callisto notifies your support team immediately via configurable email…

Sponsoring 2011 LITA National Forum

We’re pleased to be one of the select companies sponsoring the LITA National Forum in St. Louis, Missouri from Sept. 29-Oct. 2, 2011.  Sharp Moon President John Weible plans to be there to meet with you and discuss our novel services for automated troubleshooting, support, and continual assurance of access to e-resources.