Author: jw

Provider Updates for April 2021

Support for the following E-Resource Providers was updated or added: AAPG Datapages Archives Access Engineering ASCE Library ASM Journals Online Biology Letters BioOne Brill Reference Works CINDAS De Gruyter Online DRAM (Database of Recorded American Music) Drama Online Dyabola Early English Books Online eHRAF (Human Relations Area Files) Archaeology eHRAF (Human Relations Area Files) World Cultures Euromonitor Passport FIVS-Abridge HAPI – Hispanic American Periodical Index Jane’s: Defense & Security Intelligence & Analysis Karger MathSciNet MideastWire Project Euclid ProQuest online databases

More Wrong Subscriptions!

April 2021 update. Our Callisto service has many unique benefits. But one of our favorites is discovering when an e-resource content provider has made a big mistake, and is granting subscription access to the wrong institution. For example, today as I write, we see that three different providers are accidentally authorizing the wrong institutions to access to subscription resources that are paid for by the University of Illinois at Chicago, Ochanomizu University in Japan (お茶の水女子大学), and two campuses in Taiwan: Kaohsiung Medical University (高雄醫學大學) and the Taipei College of Maritime Technology (台北海洋科技大學). We’ve seen this happen with some regularity for…